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Biopesticides in Kenya
Biopesticides in Kenya
Biopesticides are derived from micro-organisms (bacteria, fungi, viruses, etc), plants (neem, pyrethrum, etc) and natural enemies of pests (parasitoids, predators and pathogens). Also included under biopesticides are semiochemicals (e.g. insect sex pheromes), enzymes (proteins) and natural plant regulators and insect growth regulators. Table 1 and Table 2 depict biocontrol agents (products derived from micro-organisms and natural enemies) and botanical pesticides (derived from plants), respectively. These biopesticides are registered in Kenya by the Pesticide Control Products Board (www.pcpb.or.ke). For more information refer to the given website.
Table 1: Biopesticides (biocontrol agents) available in Kenya
Trade names of products | Active substances of products | Target pest/disease | Agent / distributor |
Amblytech | Amblyseius californicus (predatory mite) | Red spider mites (Tetranchus urticae) on vegetables | Dudutech (K) Ltd |
Amblytech C | Amblyseius cucumeris (predatory mite) | Thrips and spider mites on flowers in greenhouses | Dudutech (K) Ltd |
Aphitech | Aphididius transcapicus (parasitic wasp) | Aphids (Aphis spp. and Acrosiphum spp. on vegetables | Dudutech (K) Ltd |
Bacticide WP | Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis | Mosquito larvae in breeding sites | Insect (K) Ltd |
BioDewcon 2 WP | Ampelomyces quisqualis (fungus) | Powdery and downy mildew on courgettes and snowpeas | Osho Chemical Industries Ltd |
BioCatch 1.15 WP | Verticillium lecanii (fungus) | Aphids and whiteflies on French beans and tomatoes | Osho Chemical Industries Ltd |
Biolep WP | Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki (bacterium) | African bollworms on French beans | Insect (K) Ltd |
Bio-Nematon 1.15 WP | Paecilomyces lilacinus (fungus) | Root-knot nematodes in French beans, roses and tomatoes | Osho Chemical Industries Ltd |
Bio-Power 1.15 WP | Beauveria bassiana Strain GNA (fungus) | Aphids and diamondback moth on cabbages | Osho Chemical Industries Ltd |
Botanigard ES | Beauveria bassiana Strain GNA (fungus) | Aphids, thrips and whiteflies on French beans and snowpeas | Amiran (K) Ltd |
Delfin 6.4 WG | Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki Strain SA-11 (bacterium) | Diamondback moth on brassicas and giant looper on coffee | Farmchem (K) Ltd |
Diglytech | Diglyphus isaea (parasitic wasp) | Leafminers (Liriomyza spp.) on flowers and vegetables | Dudutech (K) Ltd |
Dipel 2X | Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki Strain ABTS-351 (bacterium) | Lepidopteran larvae (caterpillars) in coffee and horticultural crops | Safina (EA). Ltd |
Dipel DF | Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki Strain ABTS-351 (bacterium) | Lepidopteran larvae (caterpillars) (Helicoverpa armigera; Spodoptera exigua) plus leaf-rollers on carnation and roses | Safina (EA). Ltd |
Ditera DC | Myrothecium verrucaria (fungus) | Nematodes in ornamentals | Safina (EA). Ltd |
Eco-T WP | Trichoderma harzianum Strain k.d. (fungus) | Soil-borne diseases (Fusarium, Pythium and Rhizoctonia) | Lachlan (K) Ltd |
Encartech | Encarsia formosa (parasitic wasp) | Whiteflies (Trialeurodes vaporariorum and Bemisia tabaci) in greenhouses | Koppert Biological Systems (K) Ltd |
Ercal | Eretmocerus eremicus (parasitic wasp) | Whiteflies (Trialeurodes vaporariorum and Bemisia tabaci) in greenhouses | Koppert Biological Systems (K) Ltd |
Florbac 70 DG | Bacillus thuringiensis var. aizawai (bacterium) | Giant looper in coffee | Safina (EA) Ltd |
Halt 50 WP | Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki (bacterium) | Diamondback moth in brassicas and caterpillars on roses | Osho Chemical Industries Ltd |
Nematech | Steinernema feltiae (nematode) | Thrips, leafminers, cutworms and sciarid flies on carnations | Dudutech (K) Ltd |
Phytoseiulus System | Phytoseiulus persimilis (predatory mite) | Red spider mites on roses and French beans | Hygrotech (K) Ltd |
Phytotech | Phytoseiulus persimilis (predatory mite) | Spider mites (Tetranychus urticae) in vegetables | Dudutech (K) Ltd |
PL-Plus | Paecilomyces lilacinus (fungus) | Nematodes in roses | Juanco SPS Ltd |
Planopar | Coccidoxenoida perminutus (parasitic wasp) | Mealbugs on roses | Koppert Biological Systems (K) Ltd |
Real Phytoseiulus | Phytoseiulus persimilis (predatory mite) | Red spider mites on roses and French beans | Real IPM Company (K) Ltd |
Rootgard | Trichoderma harzianum Strain 21 (fungus) | Soil-borne diseases (Fusarium spp.) in flowers (carnation) | Juanco SPS Ltd |
Spical | Amblyseius (Neaseilus) californicus (predatory mite) | Spider mites on roses | Koppert Biological Systems (K) Ltd |
Spidex | Phytoseiulus persimilis (predatory mite) | Spider mites on roses | Koppert Biological Systems (K) Ltd |
Swirski-Mite | Amblyseius swirskii (predatory mite) | Whiteflies on roses | Koppert Biological Systems (K) Ltd |
Thripex | Amblyseius cucumeris (predatory mite) | Flower thrips and spider mites on carnation grown in greenhouses | Koppert Biological Systems (K) Ltd |
Thuricide HP | Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki (bacterium) | Lepidopteran larvae (caterpillars) on vegetables and giant looper on coffee | Farmchem (K) Ltd |
Trianum-P 11.5 WP | Trichoderma harzianum Rifai Strain KRL-AG2 (T22) (fungus) | Soil-borne fungal diseases caused by Pythium, Rhizoctonia and Fusarium spp. in French beans | Koppert Biological Systems (K) Ltd |
Trichotech | Trichoderma asperullum (fungus) | Soil-borne fungal diseases caused by Pythium, Rhizoctonia and Fusarium spp. in French beans | Dudutech (K) Ltd |
Xentari WDG | Bacillus thuringiensis var. aizawai (bacterium) | Giant looper on coffee | Safina (EA) Ltd |
Table 2: Botanical pesticides available in Kenya
Trade names of products | Active substances of products | Target pest/disease | Agent / distributor |
Achook 0.15 EC | Azadirachtin (0.15%) | Insect pests in horticultural crops and flowers; leafminers on coffee | Organix Ltd |
Flower DS EC | Pyrthrins (4%) | Aphids and whiteflies on vegetables | KAPI Ltd |
Flower Killer Sticks | Pyrthrins (0.5%) | Mosquitoes in domestic dwellings | KAPI Ltd |
GC-3EC | Cotton seed oil (31%) + garlic extract (23%) | Powdery mildew on roses | Juanco SPS Ltd |
GC-Mite EC | Cotton seed oil (40%) + olive oil (20%) + garlic extract (10%) | Red spider mites on flowers (roses) | Juanco SPS Ltd |
Neemark EC | Azadirachtin (0.03%) | Aphids, thrips and root-knot nematodes in French beans | Osho Chemical Industries Ltd |
Neemraj Super 3000 | Azadirachtin (0.03%) | Aphids, thrips, whiteflies, diamondback moth, bollworms in vegetables and roses | Amiran (K) Ltd |
Neemroc 0.03 EC | Azadirachtin (0.03%) | Diamondback moth in brassicas and thrips | Saroneem Biopesticides |
Nimbecidine EC | Azadirachtin (0.03%) | Aphids, thrips, whiteflies, leafminers, cucmber beetles, spider mites in vegetables | Osho Chemical Industries Ltd |
Pydust | Pyrthrins (1.0%) | Grain storage pests (rice and maize weevils) | Pyrethrum Board of Kenya |
Pyegar | Pyrethrin + garlic extract | Red spider mites on flowers (roses) | Juanco SPS Ltd |
Pyerin EC | Pyrethrin (75g/l) | Aphids and whiteflies on flowers and vegetables | Juanco SPS Ltd |
Pylarvex 0.5 E | Pyrthrins (0.5%) | Mosquito larvae in public health | Pyrethrum Board of Kenya |
Pymos 0.6 EC | Pyrthrins (0.6%) | Mosquitoes in public health | Pyrethrum Board of Kenya |
Pynet 5 EC | Pyrthrins (0.5%) | Impregnation of bed nets against mosquitoes | Pyrethrum Board of Kenya |
Pytix 4EC | Pyrthrins (40g/l) | Ticks on cattle in areas defined by the Director of Veterinary Services | Pyrethrum Board of Kenya |
Trilogy 70 EC | Clarified hydrobic extract of neem oil (70%) | Powdery mildew, downy mildew and botrytis in roses; anthracnose, angular leaf spot and rust in French beans | Farmchem (K) ltd |
Agents / Distributors of Biopesticides in Kenya
Tel.: +254 (20) 6907000
Mobile: +254 719 095000
Email: amiran@amirankenya.com / pr@amirankenya.com
Website: www.amirankenya.com
Tel.: +254 (20) 6907000
Mobile: +254 719 095000
Email: amiran@amirankenya.com / pr@amirankenya.com
Website: www.amirankenya.com
Tel.: +254 (20) 2020859
Email: info.dudutech@f-h.biz
Website: www.dudutech.com
Tel.: +254 (20) 2020859
Email: info.dudutech@f-h.biz
Website: www.dudutech.com
Tel.: +254 (20) 2409661 / +254 722 520837 / +254 733 520837
Email: farmchem@farmchemafrica.com
Website: www.farmchemafrica.com
Tel.: +254 (20) 2409661 / +254 722 520837 / +254 733 520837
Email: farmchem@farmchemafrica.com
Website: www.farmchemafrica.com
Tel.: +254 154 73286
Email: (Contact) : edward@hygrotech.co.ke
Tel.: +254 154 73286
Email: (Contact) : edward@hygrotech.co.ke
Tel.: +254 (20) 3871444
Mobile: +254 722114672
Tel.: +254 (20) 3871444
Mobile: +254 722114672
Tel.: +254 (51) 2217134 / +254 2217228
Mobile: +254 733 640065
Email: kapiltd@africanonline.co.ke
Tel.: +254 (51) 2217134 / +254 2217228
Mobile: +254 733 640065
Email: kapiltd@africanonline.co.ke
Tel.: +254 (20) 2021918
Mobile: +254 724256524
Email: (Contact): cmacharia@koppert.co.ke
Website: www.koppert.co.ke / www.koppert.com
Tel.: +254 (20) 2021918
Mobile: +254 724256524
Email: (Contact): cmacharia@koppert.co.ke
Website: www.koppert.co.ke / www.koppert.com
Tel.: +254 (20) 2088754/5/6
Mobile: +254 722207805
Email: info@juancogroup.com
Website: www.juancogroup.com
Tel.: +254 (20) 2088754/5/6
Mobile: +254 722207805
Email: info@juancogroup.com
Website: www.juancogroup.com
Tel.: +254 (20) 2073912/3/4
Email: lachlan@griculture.co.ke
Website: www.griculture.co.ke
Tel.: +254 (20) 2073912/3/4
Email: lachlan@griculture.co.ke
Website: www.griculture.co.ke
Tel.: +254 (20) 3741482 / +254 (20) 3566241
Mobile: +254 720937537 / +254 735712090
Email: enquiries@organix-agro.com
Website: www.organix-agro.com
Tel.: +254 (20) 3741482 / +254 (20) 3566241
Mobile: +254 720937537 / +254 735712090
Email: enquiries@organix-agro.com
Website: www.organix-agro.com
Tel.: +254 (20) 3756222
Mobile: +254 726880480 / +254 733880480
Email: oshochem@oshochem.com
Website: www.oshochem.com
Tel.: +254 (20) 3756222
Mobile: +254 726880480 / +254 733880480
Email: oshochem@oshochem.com
Website: www.oshochem.com
Tel.: +254 (51) 2211567
Email: pbk@kenya-pyrethrum.com / marketing@kenya-pyrethrum.com
Website: www.kenya-pyrethrum.com
Tel.: +254 (51) 2211567
Email: pbk@kenya-pyrethrum.com / marketing@kenya-pyrethrum.com
Website: www.kenya-pyrethrum.com
Tel.: +254 (20) 2113226
Mobile: +254 725806086
Email: office@realipm.com
Website: www.realipm.com
Tel.: +254 (20) 2113226
Mobile: +254 725806086
Email: office@realipm.com
Website: www.realipm.com
Tel.: +254 (20) 2210417
Email: safina@wananchi.com
Tel.: +254 (20) 2210417
Email: safina@wananchi.com