Small Scale Offgrid Solar PV: Installation Manual
The first job is to pass the rebar through a thick board so that it sits on the perimeter wall.
Position the holes in the board carefully so that they marry up with the rebar. It should be held
in place with rebar at each end. Bend the rebar horizontally above the board.
How to fix the support board to the solar panel.
Choose a board that measures 40cm x (width of the panel + 60cm), in a fit state to withstand
the elements. With the glass face down, centre the board above the upper part of the frame.
Fix it in place with 4 hexagonal roof screws (1½” but check according to the board thickness.)
Use the battery drill with a 3/8” socket bit.
The board has to be flush with the surface of the panel‟s frame, but it‟s important that the
points of the screws do not touch the underside of the panel. This part is very delicate and a
scratch could ruin the panel. First check that the screws are the right length for the panel (as
the frame thickness varies.) It‟s better to sink the heads into the board a little with a thick
drill bit, to allow it to sit flat.
Support board fixed to the panel’s underside
The Panel can now be positioned according to the desired angle of inclination. Then the support
board can be screwed down to the first board. Use screws that are long enough to ensure plenty
of thread in the first board, and make sure there is good contact between the two wooden