The inter-dependent nature of the
components is such that inter-
relationships and over-laps are
inherent. Often interventions and
subsequent results straddle these
Component 1:
Enhanced Capacity for Milk
and Production Input Quality
Certification and Market
Component 2:
Dairy Smallholder Business
Organization (SBO)
Component 3:
Availability of Dairy Business
Development Services
The program upgrades the
capacity of the dairy industry to
compete in local, regional and
international markets to deliver:
Increased smallholder
household income
Increased use of technology
Improved and enacted
industry policies and acts that
enhance competitiveness
Developed and
implemented/enforced quality
certification frameworks and
work towards a graded
payment system
certifications achieved by
dairy enterprises and quality
regulations enforced on
Increased feed marketed
under new quality standards
The program transforms dairy
smallholder business
organizations into viable
enterprises that supply quality
milk to the market and facilitates
access to critical services and
inputs to farmer-members, to
Strengthened producer
Increased milk bulking
centers (MBC) with Hazard
Analysis and Critical
Control Points (HACCP) and
/or SBOs with national
Increased raw milk sales by
SBOs under agreements
that pay premium for quality
Increased gross revenue of
milk bulking/cooling
businesses from sale of
inputs and services other
than milk
Increased number of SBOs
transformed into
sustainable businesses
The program strengthens support
markets, increasing the availability
and utilization of market-link dairy
BDS, inputs, technologies provided
by business service providers to
dairy enterprises, to deliver:
Enhanced range of business
services to producers
Increased value of
services/inputs provided by
business service providers
Increased number of small
holders purchasing private
sector services at full
commercial rates
New technologies or
management practices made
available for transfer
Increased number of dairy
farmers receiving loans from
financial service providers
Increased number of
smallholders engaged in new,
diversified dairy-related
Increased number of dairy
farmers receiving short-term