Land O'Lakes supports market-based services/ solutions, and action-oriented policy research to
overcome both industry-level and enterprise-level constraints to competitiveness at key points along
the dairy value chain. Industry stakeholders are engaged to identify competitiveness constraints, and
propose solutions to these constraints. The program delivers the 3 components in harmony within
each geographical area of focus. The program works through local facilitators to support SBOs and
other public and private industry service providers to develop their capacity to deliver services and
stimulate supply to the key market players.
Via the facilitators it has engaged with other players such as processors, transporters, retailers and interest groups
and actively disseminated information and facilitated linkages across the market. It has promoted relevant services
to profile their value to farmers plus the opportunity they afford to the players - and therefore stimulated market
demand. It has further worked to develop linkages and partnerships among market players for mutual benefit.
The program has also promoted market principles and local ownership by encouraging providers and other
stakeholder to invest their own resources. Any subsidies have been limited to a short duration so as not to distort
the market.
KDSCP's belief is that stakeholders must choose to work with the program in the same way they make other
investment decisions by weighing costs and benefits. Ultimately they are then more likely to feel ownership and to
use resources wisely.
In line with best practice this market development program:
Engages the private sector in developing viable business and market models that are likely to
be copied and
Focuses on stimulating sustainable market replication of viable models.