Non project funds invested
We estimate that some 25 million US$ has
been leveraged from others (e.g. from CDF
funds for coolers and road bridges) due to this
Mary Munene, Dairy Value Chain Development
Non-project resources leveraged are funds which farmers contributions, MFIs that gave loans to
beneficiaries, and from government through constituency development funds (CDF).
There has been an increase in non-project resources leveraged of approximately 500% from USD 3.4m level
in the first full year after program inception in 2009 to USD 21.8m in 2011 (note that the last years‟ data on the
chart consists of 6 months only). There is a definite trend of increase in non-project resources leveraged
compared to the LOL grant funds used in the program. This demonstrates that private and public sector
investment in business development services in the dairy sector KDSCP milk sheds is likely to continue and
increase even after the end of the program. This also indicates shows that the program funds are used
effectively to encourage dairy value chain stakeholders to invest in business development services.