Filling and Sealing Packaged Foods
Practical Action
Rank and Company A-95/3, Wazirpur Industrial Estate, Delhi - 110 052, India, Tel: +91
11 7456101/2/3/4, Fax: +91 11 7234126/7433905, E-mail: .
Orbit Equipments PVT. Ltd. Block No.1, Venkat Reddy Complex, Tarbund X Roads,
Secunderabad -560 009, India, Tel: +91 (0)40 2817296, Fax: +91 (0)40 2813877
Technology & Equipment Development, Centre Liduta, 360 Bis Ben Van Don St., District
4, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, Tel: 08 9400906, Fax: 08 9400906.
Form fill seal machines
Acufil Machines SF.120/2, Kalapatty, Coimbatore -641 035, India, Tel: +91 (0) 422
866108/866205, Fax: +91 (0)422 572640, E-mail: ,
It is not possible for small-scale producers to buy packaging or closures directly from
manufacturers because the minimum order size is likely to be too large. Processors should
therefore find packaging distributors/agents either locally or in neighbouring countries. However,
the packaging manufacturers have information on their websites that may assist in selecting the
correct types of materials. Further information on closures for glass and plastic containers is
available from for example:
Caps for plastic bottles and glass bottles, company information from e-Bottles, available at
Dispensing closures, company information from Bottle Solutions, available at
Packaging Foods in Glass, Practical Action Technical Brief
Canning of Foods, Practical Action Technical Brief
Packaging Materials for Foods, Technical Brief, Practical Action
Food Labelling, Technical Brief, Practical Action
Further Reading
A Handbook of Food Packaging, 2nd Edition, Paine, F.A and Paine, H.Y., Blackie Academic
and Professional, London, 1992.
Appropriate Food Packaging, 2nd Edn., Fellows, P.J. and Axtell, B.L., Practical Action
Publishing, 2003.
Environmentally-compatible Food Packaging, Chiellini, E., Woodhead Publishing,
Cambridge. 2008
Flexible Food Packaging, Hirsch, A., Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1991.
Food Packaging- principles and practice, Robertson, G.L., Marcel Dekker, New York.
Handbook on procurement of packaging, Ramsland, T., (J. Selin, Ed.), PRODEC,
Toolonkatu 11A, 00100 Helsinki, Finland. 1989
Packaging, Food Cycle Technology Source Book, Practical Action Publishing/UNIFEM,
Small-scale Food Processing: A Guide to Appropriate Equipment, Fellows, P. and
Hampton, A., Practical Action Publishing/CTA, 1992.
The Packaging Regulations - implications for business, Powell, J. and Steele, A., Chandos
Publishing, Witney, Oxon., UK. 1999
Support Institutions
A comprehensive list of worldwide packaging support institutions is provided by Packaging