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Khan Academy
Khan Academy (Kiswahili)
Wikipedia for Schools
Wikipedia Geography
Wikipedia History
Wikipedia Chemistry
Wikipedia Physics
Wikipedia Astronomy
Wikipedia Math
TED-Ed Lessons
TED 11 must see talks
Introduction to TED talks
Grade 4 Science & Tech
Grade 4 English CBC
Grade 5 English (CBC)
Digital Literacy Content
Blockly Games
Touchable Earth (en)
PhET Interactive Simulations (English)
Mother Goose Club Video Lessons
Global Digital Library - Book Catalog
TESSA - Teacher Resources
Ubongo Kids
How to get started with Kolibri
Gutenberg Digital Library
GCF Vocational Skills
Seavuria Science Videos
Master Index
ARES Education

ARES Major Sections

General Education

Secondary Education

Primary Education

Adult Education

Teacher Reference

Primary Education Section

Primary Education Section

The sections below contain material relevant to students in primary education.

Lewa DLC

Lewa Conservancy Digital Literacy Content

A series of focused education modules designed to enhance the digital litereacy of primary school students.

Sugar Education

Sugar Education System for Primary School

Sugar is an activity-focused, free/libre open-source software learning platform for children. Collaboration, reflection, and discovery are integrated directly into the user interface. Through Sugar's clarity of design, children and teachers have the opportunity to use computers on their own terms. Students can reshape, reinvent, and reapply both software and content into powerful learning activities. Sugar's focus on sharing, criticism, and exploration is grounded in the culture of free software.


African Storybook Project

The African Storybook Project is an initiative of Saide, a registered Non-Profit Organisation, governed by a Trust and based in Johannesburg, South Africa. African Storybook Project's vision is for all African children to have enough stories in a language familiar to them to practise reading and learn to love reading.

Global Digital Library

Global Digital Library

The Global Digital Library (GDL) is being developed to increase the availability of high quality reading resources in languages children and youth speak and understand.

Make sure you use the search bar at the top of the page to locate the specific topic you are interested in.


Mother Goose Videos

This curated selection of articles from Wikipedia can be used offline by school children around the world. It contains a wide selection of articles about all aspects of geography worldwide.

Make sure you use the search bar at the top of the page to locate the specific topic you are interested in.

Ubongo Kids

Ubongo Kids - Fan Favorites

Interactive edu-cartoons that teach math and science through fun animated stories and catchy original songs, launched on TanzaniaTV in January 2014 and produced by Ubongo Media.

Use the search bar at the top of the page to locate the specific topic you are interested in.

Bino and Fino

Nigerian cartoons - Teaching children around the world about African culture and much more.

Mustard Seed Books

Mustard Seed Books provide high quality books in English for beginning readers.

Cat and Dog Books

Cat and Dog Books are funny and easy to read.

Book Dash Books

African storybooks for children, available for anyone to freely print, translate and distribute. BookDash believes that every child should own a hundred books by the age of five..

Secondary Scool Tools & Games

Educational Games & Tools - Primary School

This is a collection of general tools and games that are applicable to primary school students. Note: it will take 20-30 seconds for the desktop window to open. After that you will have speedy access to all of the applications.