About the ARES server
What is ARES and the ARES server?
ARES is a non-profit registered in Nairobi Kenya. It is supported by a non-profit in Canada and US: Afretech.org. The ARES server was originally built upon a RACHEL software distribution, which is provided by WorldPossible.org. Rachel - and now ARES - focuses on making available rich and curated educational content to places where no Internet connectivity is available or the available bandwidth is unusable for most practical purposes. ARES has evolved from that base in 2013 to include a significant amount of content and resources specific to Kenya and east Africa, a significantly resigned user interface, and a new menu system to oganize content. We provide a full set of notebooks, projectors, and wireless mesh systems to connect the entire campus. Most important - the ARES server is battery based, resilient, and loaded with nearly 400GB of high quality content in a easy to use package. ARES is now installed in over 75 schools (as of 2023) across Kenya and growing rapidly. Further information and contact info can be found at www.areseducation.org.What browsers can be used with this version?
This lightweight version requires an HTML 5 compatible modern browser that support the mp4 format (H.264 video and AAC audio). These are examples of supported browsers for this version: Microsoft Edge (on Windows, Android, IOS, and Mac), Google Chrome (for Windows or Mac), Safari (for Mac or iOS), and Firefox (for Windows, MacOS, Linux, Android).Is this offline configuration of educational content under any license?
Yes. This distribution is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.You can use and distribute this offline version except for any commercial purpose, like selling it in any way. You can only distribute it for free, and you must keep the attribution and the "About" section (about.html).
The actual educational content made available offline in a RACHEL server is owned by their own creators:
All Wikipedia content is available for free at www.wikipedia.org.
All Khan Academy content is available for free at www.khanacademy.org.
All CK-12 content is available for free at www.ck-12.org.
All MedLine content is available for free at www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/.
All Hesperian content is available for free at www.hesperian.org.
All Gutenberg content is available for free at www.gutenberg.org.
All OLPC content is available for free at www.laptop.org.
All MIT Scratch content is available for free at scratch.mit.edu.
All UNESCO's IICBA content is available for free at www.eng.unesco-iicba.org.
All Math Expression content is available for free at www.mathexpression.com.
All Music Theory content is available for free at www.musictheory.net.