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Khan Academy
Khan Academy (Kiswahili)
Wikipedia for Schools
Wikipedia Geography
Wikipedia History
Wikipedia Chemistry
Wikipedia Physics
Wikipedia Astronomy
Wikipedia Math
TED-Ed Lessons
TED 11 must see talks
Introduction to TED talks
Grade 4 Science & Tech
Grade 4 English CBC
Grade 5 English (CBC)
Digital Literacy Content
Blockly Games
Touchable Earth (en)
PhET Interactive Simulations (English)
Mother Goose Club Video Lessons
Global Digital Library - Book Catalog
TESSA - Teacher Resources
Ubongo Kids
How to get started with Kolibri
Gutenberg Digital Library
GCF Vocational Skills
Seavuria Science Videos
Master Index
ARES Education

ARES Major Sections

General Education

Secondary Education

Primary Education

Adult Education

Teacher Reference

Secondary Education Section

Secondary Education Section

The sections below contain material relevant to students in secondary education.

Seavuria STEM Courses

Seavuria Science Education

A rich selection of videos and interactive modules in all aspects of high school science.

CK-12 Textbooks

CK-12 Textbooks

High quality textbooks on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) from ck12.org. These are traditional textbooks that can be downloaded to indivudual devices.

** - Books listed with have a teacher's edition available in the Teacher's Portal CLICK HERE to Log In.


Boundless Textbooks

An amazing collection of searchable textbooks on a variety of advanced subjects, including extensive linked definitions of terms.



hET Interactive Simulations provide interactive math and science simulations that engage students with intuitive, game-like environments. Students can learn about math, physics, biology, and chemistry through hands-on exploration and discovery. The simulations are appropriate for all ages and include guiding teacher lesson plans."

To try out a PheT simulation click HERE.



The free species directory that anyone can edit. It covers Animalia, Plantae, Fungi, Bacteria, Archaea, Protista and all other forms of life.

To open click HERE.


Wikipedia - History

This curated selection of articles from Wikipedia can be used offline by school children around the world. It contains a wide selection of articles on history around the world, from early civilization to current events.

Make sure to use the search bar at the top of the page in order to find a specific topic, or use the green button to search all of ARES.


Wikipedia - Geography

This curated selection of articles from Wikipedia can be used offline by school children around the world. It contains a wide selection of articles about all aspects of geography worldwide.

Make sure you use the search bar at the top of the page to locate the specific topic you are interested in, or use the green button to search all of ARES.


Wikipedia - Chemistry

This curated selection of articles from Wikipedia can be used offline by school children around the world. It contains a wide selection of articles about all aspects of chemistry, which deals with chemical elements and compounds, and how they work together and change.

Make sure you use the search bar at the top of the page to locate the specific topic you are interested in, or use the green button to search all of ARES.


Wikipedia - Physics

This curated selection of articles from Wikipedia can be used offline by school children around the world. It contains a wide selection of articles about all aspects of physics, the study of energy and matter in space and time and how they are related to each other.

Make sure you use the search bar at the top of the page to locate the specific topic you are interested in, or use the green button to search all of ARES.


Wikipedia - Astronomy

This curated selection of articles from Wikipedia can be used offline by school children around the world. It contains a wide selection of articles about all aspects of astronomy, the study of celestial bodies - stars, galaxies, planets, moons, asteroids, comets and nebulae.

Khan Academy Astronomy Videos

You can also find a wide selection of Astronomy videos from Khan Academy here.

Make sure you use the search bar at the top of the page to locate the specific topic you are interested in, or use the green button to search all of ARES.


Wikipedia - Mathematics

This curated selection of articles from Wikipedia can be used offline by school children around the world. It contains a wide selection of articles about all aspects of chemistry, a field of study that investigates topics such as number, space, structure, and change.

Make sure you use the search bar at the top of the page to locate the specific topic you are interested in, or use the green button to search all of ARES.

Math Expression

Math Expression

Math tutoring materials including videos, study tips, practice questions and step-by-step solutions.

For each lesson, read the study tips carefully and take note of the important concepts/ideas before watching the video. These tips will guide you in your math thinking strategies.

Understanding Algebra

Understanding Algebra

A complete, concise, and illustrated textbook introducing algebra that can be viewed here or printed out.

Secondary Games & Tools

Educational Games & Tools - Secondary School

This is a collection of general tools and games that are applicable to secondary school students. Note: it will take 30-40 seconds for the desktop window to open. After that you will have access to all of the applications.