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Databases to Search:

Khan Academy
Khan Academy (Kiswahili)
Wikipedia for Schools
Wikipedia Geography
Wikipedia History
Wikipedia Chemistry
Wikipedia Physics
Wikipedia Astronomy
Wikipedia Math
TED-Ed Lessons
TED 11 must see talks
Introduction to TED talks
Grade 4 Science & Tech
Grade 4 English CBC
Grade 5 English (CBC)
Digital Literacy Content
Blockly Games
Touchable Earth (en)
PhET Interactive Simulations (English)
Mother Goose Club Video Lessons
Global Digital Library - Book Catalog
TESSA - Teacher Resources
Ubongo Kids
How to get started with Kolibri
Gutenberg Digital Library
GCF Vocational Skills
Seavuria Science Videos
Master Index
ARES Education

ARES Major Sections

General Education

Secondary Education

Primary Education

Adult Education

Teacher Reference

Teacher Reference Section

Teacher Reference Section

The sections below contain reference material related to teachers and teaching skills.

File Share

File Share

You can share files with other users and save files for your own use by uploading them here. If you are a new user you will need to register with an userid and password. This will keep your files private and allow you to control them. You can also choose to be part of the students group or staff group (this one will require approval).


Kenya CBC Curriculum Teacher Aids

A set of focused modules designed to assist teachers with the Kenyan curriculum and related schemes of work, notes, and tests/exams. Based on the KICD 2021 CBC revisions. These tools support the transition to digital literacy.

British Curriculum

British School Curriculum

British Primary and Secondary School Curriculum, including curriculum for selected individual programmes of study.

UNESCO's IICBA Electronic Library

UNESCO's IICBA Electronic Library

Teachers' resources from the UNESCO International Institute for Capacity Building in Africa.


TESSA Teacher Resources

Teacher Education tools and resources focused on Sub-Saharan Africa.

Make sure you use the search bar at the top of the page to locate a specific topic.

Kolibri Tutorial

Tutorial: How To Use KOLIBRI

Kolibri video tutorials to understand the Learner, Coach, and Admin features.

Make sure you use the search bar at the top of the page to locate the specific topic you are interested in.


OpenSIS is a web-based student information system for a single school, including student enrollment and demographics, grading and grade reporting, tracking student achievement of skills, competencies or outcomes, attendance, calendars, and intervention tracking. The primary users of this tool will be teachers/administrators. However, students can access this if they were given an ID to check on class schedules, etc.

To open click HERE.

Admin Tools

Administration Tools for IT Staff and Teachers

This is a collection of tools, utilities, and reference material to be used by the IT Staff and teachers. The content is password protected.