Better Schools:
Resource Materials for School Heads in Africa
Personnel Management
Managing the human resources available at a school is probably the most important task of a school head. In any country the major portion of the national budget allocated to education is spent on paying personnel. The success, therefore, of any school programme depends on how efficiently the school head can deploy this important resource for the best use of the school.

The recognition of personnel management as an important element of the school head's daily activities, and the increasing emphasis on in-service training for teachers, has led to an increased interest in the field of staff development. The school head being often viewed as a 'manager of people', it is evident that the skills associated with personnel management can assist him or her in managing the school more efficiently.

The purpose of this module is to introduce the school head to a number of skills and techniques that can lead to a more sympathetic management of staff members. This requires a variety of skills that might include the keeping of records, identifying training needs, dealing with unions, problem-solving, motivation, staff appraisal, and a whole host of related activities.

Individual study time : 24 hours


After working through this module you should be able to:
• ù identify and select staff members to be appointed to your school
• identify training needs and plan training programmes to meet these needs
• motivate your colleagues
• introduce a system of staff appraisal and supervision relevant to your school
• manage a system of staff records and meetings
• manage conflict situations.

This module is divided into eight units.

Unit 1: Staff selection
3 hours
This unit aims to assist you in selecting staff members to the school.

Unit 2: Staff development
3 hours
Through this unit you will be able to identify the training needs of your staff, and plan training programmes to meet these needs.

Unit 3: Staff motivation
3 hours
The important subject of motivating staff members to achieve their best, often under difficult circumstances, is the topic of this unit.

Unit 4: Staff appraisal
3 hours
Appraisal is directed towards helping a teacher become as effective as possible in the teaching/learning process. In this unit you will learn why and how staff appraisal should be carried out.

Unit 5: Staff supervision and discipline
3 hours
Because all the activities of the school remain your responsibility, you need to ensure that delegated tasks are actually carried out on time, and in a proper manner. Therefore, you need to supervise, to oversee, the work of others in the school. Here you will learn to apply specific methods of supervision and discipline in your work situation.

Unit 6: Keeping staff records
3 hours
Records in a school contain important information about school administration and the staff. In this unit you will specifically look at one element of record keeping, that of staff records.

Unit 7: Managing meetings
3 hours
Time is an important resource to a school head, and not to be wasted. In this unit you will learn to identify some techniques for conducting meetings more efficiently.

Unit 8: Managing conflict
3 hours
Conflict can become physically and emotionally damaging, or it can lead to growth and productivity for all parties. In this unit you will discuss what conflict is, and how it can be resolved.

This module was written by a team in Namibia:

Mr Len le Roux Deputy Director, The R"ssing
(Team Facilitator) Foundation

Mr Alfred Ilukena Chief Inspector, Ministry of Education and Culture

Dr Robert West Chief Education Officer, Secondary Schools

Mrs Jeanne Averia Head teacher, Namibia English Primary School

Mrs Miriam Truebody Director, Private Sector Foundation

Dr Rosemary Davis Management adviser, National Institute for Educational Development

Mr Lloyd Ulrich Director, Otjikondo School Village Foundation

Mr Tjekere Tweya Chief Education Officer, Windhoek Region

In addition, support for the development of this module was provided by the national teachers' union (NANTU), by trainers involved in a school head training programme nationwide and school heads attending these courses.