Better Schools:
Resource Materials for School Heads in Africa
Commonwealth Secretariat
These materials were prepared co-operatively under the Training and Support Programme for School Heads in Africa. Ownership is vested in the following:

Ministry of Education, Botswana
Ministry of Education, Ghana
Ministry of Education, Kenya
Ministry of Education and Culture, Namibia
Federal Ministry of Education and Youth Development, Nigeria
Ministry of Education and Sports, Uganda
Ministry of Education and Culture, Zimbabwe

Commonwealth Secretariat
German Agency for Technical Co-operation (Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit [GTZ], GmbH)
Swedish International Development Authority

Education Programme
Human Resource Development Group
Marlborough House
Pall Mall
London SW1Y 5HX

First published 1993

© Copyright Commonwealth Secretariat

These materials were prepared by Ministries of Education in Commonwealth Africa. Governments in developing Commonwealth countries wishing to reproduce or adapt the materials in whole or in part in any language should inform the Commonwealth Secretariat which may be able to offer some assistance in doing so.

For further information, write to the Director of the Education Programme, Commonwealth Secretariat, London.