Better Schools: Resource Materials for School Heads in Africa
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How to Utilize the Electronic Library
This material is intended to help school manager improve their performance. It is easy to access in CD-ROM format, on diskette, and on the IICBA web page.

In order to use it, simply click your mouse on the links that you wish to go to. All links are underlined and the cursor arrow will turn to a hand when it is acceptable to go to the desired link. Feel free to explore the entire site.

(This Material was originally prepared under the Training and Support Programme for School Heads in Africa supported by Ministries of Education in Africa, the Commonwealth Secretariat, Unesco, SIDA and GTZ. Editing, design and production of the training modules was co-ordinated by the Commonwealth Secretariat Education Programme. )

UNESCO-International Institute for Capacity Building in Africa 2305, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Education Programme
Human Resource Development Group
Marlborough House
Pall Mall
London SW1Y 5HX