Multiplication Bingo
Grade Level: 3-5

OVERVIEW After students have mastered multiplication facts, this game can be introduced as a way to reinforce learning.

PURPOSE A fun way to practice multiplication facts.


1. Follow directions

2. Use prior learning of multiplication facts to score a bingo.

3. Have fun with Math.



Student Materials:

2 pieces of construction paper per student; pencil; scissors
Teacher Materials:

1 piece of notebook paper; pencil

ACTIVITIES AND PROCEDURES Setting up the game board:

1. Each child needs two pieces of construction paper.
2. Instruct the students to take one piece of paper and do the following:
  • Fold in half from top to bottom.
  • Fold again from top to bottom.
  • Fold in half from side to side.
  • Fold again from side to side.
3. When the students open the paper, there should be 16 squares.
4. As you call out the products of sixteen multiplication facts, the students write those products in a different square. Keep a list for yourself of the facts that you are using that day.

5. Students should fold the second piece of paper exactly as they did the other. Using scissors, cut out the squares so that there are sixteen pieces of paper to use on their game board.

Playing the game:

1. Decide which kind of bingo you want to play. Some of the games we play are: (a) horizontal, (b) vertical, (c) diagonal, (d) postage stamp (four in the top right hand corner), (e) "L" (four on the left and four on the bottom), (f) bulls eye (four in the center) (g) picture frame (all but the four in the center), (h) "X" (two diagonals). Your students will come up with other ideas.
2. Using the list of sixteen multiplication facts, call out the factors only. For example, you say "2 x 5". The students must know the product, find it on their game board, and cover it with a piece of paper. Students are not allowed to tell other students what the product is.
3. Continue calling out facts until someone gets a bingo. Be sure to mark on your master copy the facts you called, so you can check your winner to see if he/she covered the correct products.

4. Keep a record of who wins the most games. That student could be the first in line for the day, have extra free time, be excused from the day's homework, etc.



This is a fun way for students to use their knowledge of the multiplication facts.



  • Students may need to have the answers written on the board at first.
  • Students may use their slates or chalkboards to create the bingo board.
  • The game can be used with all subjects and different multiplication factors.
AUTHOR: Elizabeth Lofties, St. Charles Borromeo; Oklahoma City, OK