Grade Level: 3-4

Overview This activity with earthworms will show students an organism that lives in a dark, cool, wet place and how this organism has special body parts which enable it to live in its environment. It is safe to pick up and hold an earthworm.

Purpose The purpose of this activity is to show that the earthworm has distinct body parts.

Objectives Students will be able to:

i. Describe the activities of an earthworm.
ii. Describe the body parts of the earthworm.

iii. Explain how the body parts of the earthworm enable it to live in soil.

Resources /Materials

Teacher Materials: Earthworms, jars, dirt, chart paper. Earthworms can be obtained from a local bait shop, ordered from a biological supply house, or dug from the ground.

Student Materials: Pencil and paper. Hand lenses Activities and


i. Divide the children into groups of three or four.
ii. Each group should be provided with several earthworms to hold and observe. The children should be encouraged to hold earthworms and observe their many sections, muscles, stiff hairs, and their thick wet skin. Let the children use the hand lenses.
iii. Children should record their observations.

iv. Place dirt and worms in glass jars so that students can observe the movement and activities of the earthworms.

Tying it together Each group of children will prepare a chart illustrating the body parts of the earthworm. The children should also record their observations of the earthworms' activities.

Assessment Find out from the children why earthworms are important to us.


  • Students may act out a skit as earthworms and display their habits and daily life.
  • Students may dissect the earthworms and examine their parts individually with teacher supervision.
  • Students can trace the importance of earthworms in the food cycle.

Author(s) Lydia Flynn, St. John's Catholic School; Yukon, OK