Grade Level: 1

Overview Observing the weather is an activity many people engage in. The weather in a place to a large extent determines what farmers grow, what people put on, and indeed how people behave. There are people whose job it is to study and report on the weather of many countries. These people are called meteorologists.

Purpose In this lesson we use weather to teach children how to observe and record what they observe.

Objectives Students will be able to:

i. Observe and record the temperature of their environment over a period of one week
ii. Record the amount of rainfall over a given period

iii. Interpret a weather map


A thermometer
A wind vane
A weather chart

Pencil and crayons

Activities and Procedures

Teaching method and activities

I. Start lesson by asking children what different features make "weather." For example:


rainfall; wind, etc.

II. Ask them to think of ways to measure these. For example, sunshine can be measured by looking at how much of the sky is covered by clouds; the direction of the wind can be recorded; we can say whether it is raining or not or how much rain has fallen.

III. Decide with the class what you will measure.

IV. Then decide when it should be measured. You can measure several times a day.

V. Then tell the class that you want them to keep record of the weather for the whole term/year.

VI. Draw up a chart according to which you are able to measure.

Tying it all together There are many aspects of the weather that can be measured and recorded. With the help of the Weather chart which the teacher has provided, the children can each record the weather in their school for a month.

Assessment The teacher should grade the Weather chart which the children have created. There should be an opportunity for class discussion of the Weather charts the children have created.


  • Students may work in teams to create their weather charts.
  • The instructor may choose a student to be the meteorologist each day and report the weather to the class. (2 minute reports)
  • Students may write in their journals about the important role weather plays in their daily activities.
References The Spark handbook: A guide for teachers in Zambia's community schools. Zambia: UNICEF.